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Research Projects Circular Safe Hospitals

Explore projects from the CSH research line.  The overall goal of CSH is to make relevant and meaningful contributions in leading collaboration in accelerating the transition to circular hospitals in 2050. These projects do so by looking at solutions for making hospitals circular. These projects were either awarded seed money, or are awarded grants as a spin-off from seed money initiatives.


Sustainable Alternatives to Laboratory Consumables

Identifying Hotspots in Hospitals and Research Institutions

Innovative Public Procurement

Instruments to facilitate circularity by hospitals.

Shining a Light on Materials Use

Critical lifecycle assessment and knowledge sharing on childbirth in Suriname and the Netherlands

Shifting Mindsets

Towards a more responsible and circular relationship with surgical robots 



EVidence-based CIrcularity STrategies of MedicAl Disposables through Multiscale DIgital TwiNs

Circular PhD Mapping

Circular Pharmaceutical hospital Discharge mapping and developing intervention strategies


Evidence-based Strategies to create Circular Hospitals: Applying the 10-Rs framework to healthcare.