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This Pressure Cooker is part of the April 2024 Seed Call: Co-creating circular innovations for the Utrecht region.

Please register before May 17.

Researchers from the four EWUU alliance universities are invited to develop transdisciplinary research proposals that contribute to bridging the described knowledge gaps. To facilitate the development of relevant research proposals, i4CS will organise a 1-day pressure cooker session in which researchers are facilitated to interact with representatives of the city and province of Utrecht, find other researchers from the four institutes to collaborate with and develop research ideas together

During the pressure cooker: 

  • The province and city will present their goals and action plans for a circular society and the questions and knowledge gaps that they encounter; 
  • Practitioners and researchers together can discuss research questions and ideas related to the presented knowledge gaps. Researchers from the different alliance partners are invited to join forces, develop transdisciplinary project ideas and do some groundwork to develop their research proposal. 

List of Participants (updated weekly, last update 27/05):